Celebrating a longstanding partnership with esteemed literary publication The Paris Review, a selection of rare printed works from their archive was exhibited at Aesop Harvard Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Drawing from the local area’s collegiate history, the show was dubbed Arts & Letters and featured artists such as: Andy Warhol, Alex Katz, Louise Bourgeois, Robert Motherwell, and Sol LeWitt. To parallel the publication of Issue 217 of The Paris Review, the Aesop signature store also hosted a purpose-built library of current issues and a curated selection of rare back issues. Opening and Closing Receptions hosted local store clients and academics.
Summer 2016.
ELEMENTS: Microsite & Digital Gallery, Printed Collateral, Event Production, Email, Social, Visual Merchandising, Art Handling & Artwork Insurance, Exhibition Curation & Installation, Retail Marketing, Client Segmentation, Local Marketing, PR.